diumenge, 3 de febrer del 2013


This festival  is called THE PUMP  because there will be a big explosion worldwide. There will be electronic, minimal, dubstep and rap music and the music will be performed by three especialized DJ’s:  Flux pavilion, Doctor p and Luka Caro, who will make Catalonia vibrate. The festival will take place in Camp Nou, on 20, 21, 22 and 23 of July. The tickets will cost 8 euros per day, and if you come all 
days, we lower five euros the global cost. Apart from music, there will be two others events, taking advantage that there are in summer, we will prepare a foam party and a water party, which will have  excellent music. The audience will stay, if they want, in a Barcelona camp site. It’s called Unbounded.  This campsite is situated in front of Montjuic. Some of the benefits will go to Barça club, others to  Quatar Fundation and the rest to the DJ’s.

dilluns, 17 de desembre del 2012


In my house, I wake my bed during the morning, during the dinner and lay and clear up the table. My mum make to much housework, do the vacuuming, do the ironing, do the shopping with my father, empty and fill the dishwasher, do the washing up and more housework. My father takes the rubbish because he wants to walk the dog, Charlie, wash the car once a month and make the breakfast, because the dinner and the soap makes my mom. My sister, Claudia, tidies her room and wakes her bed. This is the distribution of the housework at home.

divendres, 14 de desembre del 2012


Bass guitar



key board


diumenge, 4 de novembre del 2012


I play violin since I was five years old. During this ten years of my life, I play in four orchestras: JOCM, that's mean " Jove Orquestra de Cambra del Vallés", JOSVO, that's mean "Jove Orquestra Sinfònica del Vallès Oriental", JOCVO, that's mean" Jove Orquestra de Cambra del Vallés Oriental" and the most important worldwide, JONC, that's mean Jove Orquestra Nacional de Catalunya. Apart of this bigs grups of musicians, I play in differents duos, trios and quartets, in quartets grups, there are two violins, one viola and one cello. In my house, I play violin half an hour a day, and in the music school, I practise two hours a week in solitary with my violin teacher, I have clases of sol-fa with a grup three hours a week and three hours a week orchestra. Since seven years, I past two of my summer holiday weeks with orchestra. We make a tour of concerts for Bergadà villages, in Castell de l'Areny.  In my leisure time I listen another tipes of music, feel like Minimal, House and Electronic Music.

dimarts, 24 d’abril del 2012


 Yesterday, my sister and me went to Grandfather's house to celebrated the snowed. My cousines, my sister and me did a little snow person, and my father takes some photos. My grandma cooked heated xocolate with beascuits, and everybody ate with a lot of cold. My grandfather bring some clothes to put then in the 
little snow person, and in nose part, we put a parrot.


My ideal girl is very beautiful. When I was five, my ideal girl was blonde, with strong hair, with brown eyes and taller than the other girls. Since I was five years old until today, , my ideal girl was similar, with the large laugh everyday, with strong character, was intelligent and sporty, because in my opinion, doing sport is funny, important and there are a lot of likes in this field.


If you really love my

My heart you steal me
If I said that I love you
Your responses will be me too
If I find my ideal girl 

I prepare for her a perfect day

If I will wrong with you
I never forget when you said me too
If we will never separate
We never forget any day.